Mobile Phones
Some phones are better than others so it’s worth doing some homework; it’s also essential to check the network coverage with the service provider before going abroad. Keep one in the car, they are priceless when help is required and a cigarette lighter is a convenient charger for the battery, providing you have an adapter. Charging can be a problem in the wild so use your phone wisely, but small, hand-held manual chargers can now be bought to recharge batteries. With radios and phones it takes less power to listen than to transmit, so make your call and listen for a reply. If nothing is heard don’t despair. With all electrical kit water/moisture is the enemy. The transmitting side may be working but not the receiving side. Make short calls on the hour. Someone may be picking up your signal so don’t give up. Once you receive confirmation that the rescue is under way keep the radio/phone on listening watch.