This formal event is our largest fundraising event of the year. Monies raised during the evening are used to fund our Get Off The Couch™ programming to engage, assist, and empower Sheep Dogs – military veterans and first responders (law enforcement, fire & rescue, and EMS professionals) – to improve their overall physical and mental well-being, and reengage them in living their best lives.
Hosted this year at the Holiday Inn/Northwest Arkansas Convention Center
(1500 South 48th St., Springdale, AR 72762).
The Heroes Gala includes a special VIP Reception prior to the start of the event, followed by a social hour and silent auction bidding, a short ceremony, dinner and dancing. Awards are presented to our “Sheep Dogs of the Year,” honoring those Sheep Dogs who have gone above and beyond in the line of duty and lived out the SDIA motto, “Helping Others is a Way of Life.” Our Honorary Chair, Guest Speaker and Guest of Honor are highly motivating and inspiring, and you won’t want to miss them!
We are currently seeking committee members and sponsors to make this year’s event our best yet. If you are interested in being on the committee or sponsor this amazing event, please contact Kim Lindsay at Klindsay@sheepdogia.org.
We look forward to seeing you at our Annual SDIA Heroes Gala on April 12, 2025!
#SDIA, #Engage, #Assist, #Empower, #SDIAHeroesGala, #GetOffTheCouch, #SheepDogImpactAssistance, #SheepDogIA, #Veterans, #FirstResponders, #honor, #sacrifice, #heroes