Our 1st Annual Thanksgiving Basket Drive was a success! As always, you find yourself wishing you could do more to help, but we’re sure the twelve Sheep Dog families we were able to assist this Thanksgiving appreciated everything we did. We were able to provide each family with a turkey, ham, pies, vegetables, fruit, etc… for their Thanksgiving Day meal. For a couple of our adopted Sheep Dog families we were also able to provide formula for the babies, and also a few clothes for the young children. At a minimum we would like to adopt twice the number of families next year. Keep us in mind next Thanksgiving if you are interested in adopting a Sheep Dog family in need. $50 will pay for a family of 4 to 6 to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings, or you can provide specific items needed to fill the baskets.
Also, we are in the process of identifying Sheep Dog families in need for Christmas. We are focusing on families with children and will provide a basic list of needs in the next week or two. Please keep an eye on our website or facebook page for future information, or you can contact us directly via e-mail or phone at:
501-291-0464 or 479-466-9713