SDIA Assists West Virginians Following Severe Flooding
For 5 days earlier this month, Sheep Dog Impact Assistance (SDIA) Disaster Response Teams (DRTs) worked tirelessly to provide disaster recovery assistance to residents of West Virginia by conducting home muck-out & debris removal, chainsaw operations, and other relief efforts as needed. Nearly 30 SDIA members and volunteers deployed from the Northwest Arkansas Chapter, Eastern Tennessee Team, Kansas Chapter, Western North Carolina Chapter, and the Southwest Virginia Team. SDIA’s on-site Incident Commander, Eastern TN Team Leader Chadd Landress, reported that by the end of the mission, DRTs worked 360 man hours and mucked (cleaned) out 41 homes; of these homes, 11 were home to Veterans or families of Veterans, 1 was Law Enforcement, and 2 were families of Firefighters. DRTs also assisted with unloading & sorting donated products, provided basic first aid to a few individuals, and other assistance as requested.
Helping West Virginia residents in need not only provided SDIA members with an opportunity to use their skills and training, it...