By Vic Anglin
Sheep Dog Impact Assistance Staff
The 2013 Northwest Ark Turkey Trot will be held Thanksgiving morning in Springdale, Ark. Register at
The sixth annual 5K run and one-mile Fun Walk race time begins at 8 a.m. at Arvest Ballpark in Springdale. More than 1,000 people are expected to attend. The event is sponsored by Sheep Dog Impact Assistance and the Springdale Police Department. “This is our second biggest fundraiser of the year and could grow into our biggest fundraiser in coming years,” said Sgt. Maj. Lance Nutt, President and Founder of S.D.I.A.
The Turkey Trot 5K Charity Run helps provide for military and first responder families in need and most of those participating know it. “The reason people come out is two-fold,” Nutt said. “A lot of people like to get out and exercise before a big Thanksgiving meal, but most realize it’s helping a worthy cause at the same time.” The majority of people who enter the Turkey Trot are already aware of the S.D.I.A.’s mission to help Sheep Dog’s in need, but the run/walk is also an opportunity to share more of the S.D.I.A mission. “We do a lot that day to educate people on who we are and what we do,” Nutt said. Nutt added that the most important thing for the S.D.I.A. is action toward Sheep Dog families. “For us as an organization this is a very important time of year, we adopt Sheep Dog families in need and provide for these families. We’ve adopted 63 families (to feed) for Thanksgiving and more than 200 children (providing gifts) for Christmas.”
The 2013 Turkey Trot is open to the public, with more people signing up every day, excited about the run, walk and the “Wild Gobbler.” This will be the second year for the Wild Gobbler, a CrossFit event. “Crossfit events are very popular in Northwest Arkansas,” Nutt said. This year the Springdale Police Department, of Springdale, Ark., is co-sponsoring the event with S.D.I.A., with the proceeds from their portion of this year’s Turkey Trot to be used to fund their Shop With A Cop program. “This program helps provide Christmas gifts to underprivileged children in Northwest Arkansas,” Nutt said.
Phone calls or emails expressing interest about the Turkey Trot should be directed to Garrett Small, (479) 586-4963; or Shannon Modisette, (479) 644-1370. You can register for the race at