SDIA Chosen as 2017 Partner of Carry The Load

As a national non-profit that exists to engage, assist and empower our nation’s “Sheep Dogs” – those who make up our military and first responder professions – Sheep Dog Impact Assistance (SDIA) is honored to announce their selection as a 2017 partner of fellow non-profit, Carry The Load (CTL). This partnership will provide much-needed funding to sponsor Sheep Dogs injured in combat or the line of duty to go on SDIA’s Outdoor Adventure to Washington DC and take part in the Marine Corps Marathon in October 2017. “We are thrilled to be selected as a partner of CTL,” said SgtMaj Lance Nutt, SDIA’s president and founder. “Our missions to engage and assist our nation’s Sheep Dogs fit perfectly within CTL’s “Continuum of Care” program to provide funding to those who directly serve our nation’s heroes and their families. We are extremely excited to sponsor as many Sheep Dogs as possible on our Washington DC Outdoor Adventure with CTL’s help.” More than...

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